Friday, May 21, 2010


I think that this story " The True Colors of Friendship '' is excellent for people who wants to sort out things with people that they dislike or not really friends with . This book talks about how two girls named Valerie and Savanna try to work things out . Savanna tries to work things out because she was in a near fatal accident . After she noticed that she almost died she tried to live a clean life . She first started to clear out all the envy she had for Valerie . Valerie didn't feel the same way . For all the hurtful things Savanna had done to her she felt she deserved to be in that accident . Valerie was so happy that she didn't need to worry about Savanna tormenting her for two months . Then a surprise had happened . Savanna came to school the next . She wanted to say sorry to Valerie at lunch time , but had soar throat from all the pain. She needed someone's help to get around the school and surprisingly volunteered . Savanna and Valerie had then started to get closer and began to be friends . They confessed to each other and sorry to each other.

I think ''The True Colors of Friendship'' can help with friendship problems . This is especially dedicated to all the teens / pre-teens who have trouble working things out with others . This book can be rated as a drama . This book talks about how both Valerie and Savanna overcome their differences as best friends.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Food Poisoning Information / Symptoms
  1. Food poisoning causes are from bacteria.
  2. If the food in the fridge has a nasty smell don't eat it .
  3. Food poisoning can cause a stomach virus .
  4. Foods , mostly from poultry or animal mostly carry toxins and/or bacteria.
  5. It's bad to drink any fluids if food poisoning causes diarrhea .
  1. You can feel drowsiness
  2. Go to the doctor if it gets worst
  3. Don't eat for the next 48 hours or so
  4. You may get some cramps
  5. You can use pedialyte

Characters Biography

Valerie Jones
  • Born on July 17,1979
  • Interests: Basketball , Gymnastics , modeling , dancing , having fun ,BOYS (of course) , traveling
  • Full name : Valerie Kimberly-Ann Jones
  • Birth place : In Cleveland , Ohio
  • Languages : English , French , Latin , Spanish , Irish
  • hobbies : collecting birthstones / seashells
  • Mother's name: Kelsy Johanna McCarthy
  • Father's name : Evan Noel Jones
  • Siblings : N/A
  • School : Jacob W. Meyer High School
  • Ethnicity : African-American / Irish / Biracial
  • Address: 233 st McClealeen ave , Apt.E4

Savanna Santiago

  • born on April 14 ,1978
  • Interests : Softball , Tennis , Dodgeball , Video games
  • Full name : Savanna Nicole Brielle Janice Santiago
  • Birth Place : Dominican Republic
  • Languages : Spanish(main) and English
  • hobbies: Tennis
  • Mother's name : Mary Santiago
  • Father's name : Joseph Santiago
  • Siblings : 1
  • School :Jacob W. Meyer High School
  • Ethnicity : Hispanic-American
  • Address : 215 Washington ave. Apt 7B

Sample Chapter


It's 1995 and most high schoolers are worrying about prom , graduation , maybe even socializing with others during the summer , but I'm not . I have to worry about being tormented by some snotty nosed girl . Valerie Jones , my given name at birth , but in school I'm known as Val . I'm a sophomore who worries about a mean , snotty girl named Savanna Santiago , who's in the same grade as me . Savanna is a psycho maniac who almost gave me food poisoning . It all started in our kindergarten play . Savanna was a tree and I was an Ice Princess . She wanted my part because she thought that she was prettier than anybody else and I took it. I didn't do it on purpose . I even said sorry to her for taking her desired part. Isn't sorry good enough ? I mean it was also a sincere apology which came right from the heart . Savanna got Castor oil and White Vinegar and put it in a cup with Capri Sun . She gave it to me before the play started. It had a tangy after taste , but I still drank it . When I was strutting my stuff on stage I started to feel a little light headed. Then I felt some of the left over taco from dinner last night in my throat. Then out it came . Everybody in the audience squealed . I then fainted because of my dizziness . My mom called the ambulance on the double, trying to get a grip of me . They took me away to the hospital and checked my temperature . I was fairly normal , but then started to puke again .It felt like a mini sea bringing violent waves across my stomach. I landed in the doctor's office . The doctor had said " For a few hours you will experience drowsiness , nausea , diarrhea , and vomiting . My mom had told me that the doctor had said that when I got home . But all I heard at the doctor's office was "For a few blah , blah , blah , experience , blah , blah , blah, blah ". All that talking gave me a humongous migraine . I couldn't eat anything nor drink because of my food poisoning . I felt highly dehydrated and I felt the need to eat , badly . My mom had to do a daily check with me to see if anything went wrong .My mom had gave me some pedialyte and told me to drink it slowly. Two days later Savanna had confessed to me and my mom that she put Castor oil and Vinegar in the juice so I wont be able to perform and take my place as the Ice Princess.

For years she has still bothered me and didn't even get the chance to say sorry . I bet she doesn't even remember of what she did in the past and still taunts me . Until she says sorry I will not forgive her and get back at her . Then one day my revenge had took place , but I wasn't the one who committed it . What will happen to Savanna ? Will she even remember the past ? Will she even remember me ?

"The True Colors of Friendship" Dramatic Plot Structure (fixed)


I. Introduction
a. It's in Cleveland , Ohio. In 1995 and in Jacob W. Meyers High School.
b.The main characters are Valarie Jones and Savanna Santiago.
c.Valarie gets excited of how she's never going to meet Savanna again because of her accident.

II. Rising Action
a.Savanna comes back to school .
b.Savanna wants to be friends with Valerie, but Valerie wants to get even with her for all the mean things Savanna did to her . Savanna wants to be friends with Valerie because she wants to be guilt free after she noticed she almost died . Valerie wants to get revenge because Savanna had always tormented her since Kindergarten . Valerie cares about getting back at Savanna because she had felt that enough is enough . Savanna cares about straightening everything out with Valerie because since the accident she had felt guilty for everything she had did wrong to her .

  1. a.Valerie starts to change attitude towards Savanna after she sees the improvement in her .
b.Valerie and Savanna start to hang out and being close friends.

IV.Falling Action
a.Valerie and Savanna have no more disputes
b.Valerie and Savanna are both surprised that they are not arguing nor fighting .

a.Valerie have learned that she doesn't have to use revenge to get respect . Savanna learned that experience is the best teacher .